Thursday, October 31, 2013

How to Manage an Agenda


          Instead of writing down things on flying sheets or notebook OWN and USE an agenda.People have budget for their money and should also have budget for their time. In the case of busy student it is very frequent to lose time in useless activities or too many social activities. As a student myself, I highly recommend to plan a time budget. Don´t planned it during the summer; wait until the end of your first week of class. This way you will have a more accurate idea of the time you truly need to give to each class.Usually a schedule going by 30 minutes time slot is efficient. When organizing your agenda make sure to take EVERYTHING in account including transportation time and sleeping time.

     OFFICIAL COMMITMENTS Classes, assignments´ deadlines, readings, papers, tutorial, work, appointments, and extra engagements (sorority philanthropy, language class, volunteer work, etc.) write EVERYTHING down on the right date, at the right time. 

MORNING AND NIGHT TIME Write down the time you will wake up taking in consideration your commitments and how much time you need to get ready. A good idea is to always wake up at the same time in order to create a healthy routine. Make sure to get at least 7 hours of sleep a day.

STUDY In average one hour of class lecture will need one hour of home study. It is very important to dedicate time for exclusive study time.  Don´t rely on your “free time” to study. You need to provide specific time slot to sit down and do whatever school work you need to get done (reading, assignment, research, etc.).

ASSIGNMENTS As you can see due dates coming make sure to prepare special time slots for these. A good idea is also to break readings and study time in several small sessions throughout weeks. This allows more flexibility in your schedule.

TRANSPORTATION Make sure to also include laps between activities to take in account the time you will spend in transportation. It is a good plan to take readings with you when having long transportation time.

SOCIAL When all your official commitments are included in your weekly planner, look at the free spots you still have. Include your social activities. Make sure to take in consideration that if you go out on a Friday night, your Saturday morning will probably not be the most productive one. Therefore you need to take each and every activities you have in a week and see if they don´t contradict.   

WEEKENDS Obviously the weekend can have a separate schedule with different priorities and time frame. For instance instead of waking up every morning at 7h, make it at 9h, and instead of going to bed at 10h, make it at 12h. Just make sure to be fresh on Monday morning.
Hope this article was usefull, don´t be shy and visit our website:

Thursday, October 24, 2013





Research showed that organized people have a tendency to be more successful in school. Being organized helps you to prepare for any work load teachers can drop on you. Here are the top nine tips to be better organized.

1. BINDER It is very easy to find affordable binders that will hold everything you need together. It is a good plan to divide it into different section for each of your class, and then into different subsection (example: syllabus, calendar, readings, grades/graded assignments, other).  This binder should never leave your home desk. By always keeping the Binder in the exact same spot, you make sure to never lose it. Also, when leaving the house make sure to have your agenda in hand, which is the portable version of your binder.

2. AGENDA Instead of writing down things on flying sheets or notebook OWN and USE an agenda. People have budgets for their money and should also have budget for their time. In the case of busy student it is very frequent to lose time in useless activities or too many social activities. As a student myself, I highly recommend to plan a time budget. Don´t planned it during the summer; wait until the end of your first week of class. This way you will be more aware of the time you truly need to give to each class. Usually a schedule going by 30 minutes time slot is efficient. When organizing your agenda make sure to take EVERYTHING in account including transportation time and sleep time. The example below is very utilitarian. Your agenda can be brighter, it should reflects who you are.

3. ARCHIVE Keep track of what you do. When writing down what you have done in a day, including for how long and where, you can better measure how much time you really need, and hence make an accurate time budget.

4. CALENDAR In one calendar where you can see all the school weeks in one look, write down your due date for assignments and others, this way you can always see in advance what is coming up and plan accordingly to it. You´ll never be surprise by big exam or research paper.

5. GEAR In order to avoid any gear lack that could jeopardize your ability to finish an assignment, always keep a stock of pencil, post-it, lined and white sheets, printer ink, and so on. Plus it is always nice to work with staples in good conditions, it is an extra motivation!

6. CENTRALIZE Instead of having several mini spots for different things, centralize all the school stuff in one place, all the sport stuff in another and so on. This way, when you will be looking for something, although you do not remember where you left it, you can find it with logic.

7. CLEAN When cleaning you realize how many useless things you keep. By throwing away what is unnecessary it allows you to only keep track of what is relevant. Also, when living in a clean environment you are most likely to be calm and relax which helps you concentrate and prepare for school work. Your room should be the cleanest place of the house.

8. PRIORITIES what do you need the most? Some items that you use very often should be easily accessible whereas items you don´t need very often can be a bit less easy to access. Also by putting things in the spot where you usually use them you will save time.

9. MEDITATION Meditation can help you gain perspective and strength. Take few minutes of your day to sit and think. Interrogate yourself on how you sill archive your goals and what you want to be done in a certain time period. Then, make sure to write these down in your agenda or calendar and stick to it!

The hardest thing while being in university is to have enough autodicipline to stick to a plan. Tons of distractions will come along the way, making you drift away from good resolutions. Try to share your plan with family members or close friends, this way they will notice if you don’t fallow it. They can support and encourage you through the rough times. Universities also usually offer psychological supports, as well as study help. Don´t be shy to reach out to these resources.

Thursday, October 17, 2013



Why you should do it

DELE or Diplomas of Spanish as a Foreign Language, is the official accreditation of the degree of fluency of the Spanish Language, issued and recognized by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport of Spain. The Instituto Cervantes is the institution in charge of organizing the exams, while the University of Salamanca is in charge of the preparation, correction and final evaluation of all the tests, meanwhile hundreds of universities throughout the world carry out the preparation and exam process. 

The DELEs are divided into six levels depending on the language level of each applicant, going from A1 to C2. At the A1 level, an individual is able to understand and use daily expressions frequently used in any part of the Spanish-speaking world, aimed at satisfying immediate needs; asking and giving basic personal information about itself and daily life while interacting on a basic level with speakers, whenever they are speaking slowly and clearly and are willing to cooperate. At the C2 level, the individual masters an advanced knowledge of the language allowing communication in all situations requiring advanced use of the language and knowledge of cultural background. Usually the B2 level is required when non-native Spanish speaker wishes to integrate Spanish speaking University.

The DELE can be useful in order to enhance a resume and open new job opportunities. Given that the DELE is the only Spanish diploma recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport, it is a solid asset for any young professional. Speaking, listening, writing, and reading skills are brought in front while studying Spain´s culture and traditions.

Within four weeks of preparation you will be able to pass the intermediary levels (Bs)!

Visit our website to find more information about our DELE class!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Top Six Mexican Dishes You Must Try

Top 6 Mexican Dishes You Must Try

Forget about Taco Bell or Tex-Mex cuisine, Mexico is way more than these pale imitations! The North American country offers a delicious range of plates resulting from the merging of pre-Hispanic traditions and Spanish costumes.

1.     Mole
The mole comes in different varieties according to its color. It is famous around the world because of its fastidious recipe requiring more than 20 ingredients, including chilli and chocolate. Usually cooked as a dressing sauce for chicken meal, it can also go with any other plate. Traditionally it was prepared during holiday period, yet now a day it is more and more common to find it on families’ table around the year.

2.     Tamales
The tamales are a corn masa mixture wrapped in corn husks or banana leaves that can be meaty, spicy, or sweet. Usually sold in small businesses or street stands, it is almost always offered along with “atole” a thick hot flavoured drink. The atole can be found in various flavors, but the most common ones are chocolate, cinnamon, and vanilla. Usually popular during the winter season, it can be found throughout the whole year.

3.     Torta cubana
It basically contains anything that composes a torta. Chorizo, ham, omelet, sausages, mustard, cream, mayo, ketchup, onion, tomatoes, lettuce, avocado, and even more! When you are really hungry it is the best meal! But don´t forget; put some lemon in it!  

4.     Pozole
The pozole is one of Mexico´s oldest dish. It requires lots of time to prepare but is more than tasteful! Chicken, pork, and veggies cook and simmer for hours, usually a whole night/day so the hominy has the time to soften up and the meat to flavor the broth. Usually red and spicy, it is the typical meal on Independence Day (September 15). When a bowl is served, it is never full; more than half of it is filled with fresh toping such as lettuce, radish, and onion, plus some lime, oregano, and chilli.

5.     Tacos al pastor
Probably the most popular and delicious taco you can get! The taste of the meat comes from the marinade in which it is prepared. Usually made out of pork meat, but not exclusively, the meat pieces are layered onto a large spit where it is cooked and kept warm. Thin slides are then shaved off and put in a small corn tortilla. Generally served with small shaved of pineapple, cilantro, and onion, the final design is yours. Don´t forget to add lime and salt!

6.     Esquites and elotes

Very commonly sold in street stands, it is the perfect snack for your little cravings while walking around quaint plaza. Elotes are a Mexican version of a corn on-the-cob. Covered with a generous portion of mayo, cheese, salt, lime, and chilli, you will enjoy it till the last bite. The esquites are mainly the same, just off the cob. The corn kernels are mixed again with mayo, cheese, salt, and lime, plus chilli if you like it. Mexican corn is chewier than and not as sweet as the American or Canadian one. You will get addicted really fast

Hungry? Come and visit us in Mexico to have a taste of its beautiful culture
Babilon Language Coaching Institute will be there to teach you Spanish while you´re enjoying Mexico´s rich culture!

Visit our website
and our Facebook page,
as well as our Twitter, Tumblr and Pinterest accounts!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

How to Learn Spanish in 4 Easy Steps

How to Learn Spanish

in 4 Easy Steps

There never was easier ways to learn Spanish than the fallowing one!



        Over-use post-it. Make them become your best friend. Write a word on it and stick it on the item it represents. For instance write “puerta” on one that you will stick to your door. That way, every time you will open your door or pass in front of it, you will notice the word and associate it with the item. It can work with food, house items, school gear and more! You can print a giant picture of a human body and stick post-it on the different parts of the body! Do the same with a dog/cat/fish and other animals! Choose post-it of different colours, it will brighten up your interior!


Just like babies learn to talk through imitation, you will learn a language mainly by imitating the sounds your teacher does! Therefore, it is an awesome idea to watch movies, TV shows and more in Spanish (or any other language you are trying to assimilate). Not only will you discover a new world of entertainment, but also an easy way to get familiar with Spanish sonority.


Surf the net! Spanish speaking people represent 410 million people. For sure there are few blogs you can find that are written in Spanish and that are talking about something you like. Reading in Spanish will make you more comfortable with the language. Also, when chatting online you have all the time and resources to find your words! Don’t be shy! Engage conversation with other users, it will enhance your vocabulary knowledge.


                Jump on every opportunity you have to practice the language. The new student in your class speaks Spanish? Why not grabbing lunch with him? Your Spanish teacher asks the class how everybody weekend went? Describe every details of yours! Maybe it will be challenging at the beginning to translate your thoughts into Spanish, but if you never try you will never learn. By making mistakes and being corrected on them, you will learn a lot more than by studying your books!

Hope these four tips will help you! If you are looking for an even greater way to learn Spanish, don’t be shy and visit our web site to find out more about our exchange plans at
Or visit us on Facebook with Learn Spanish BLC!!

We´re looking forward to see you!!!