Monday, April 13, 2015

A Perfect Weekend Escape - San Miguel de Allende

Technically, San Miguel belongs to the State of Guanajuato, but it is so close to Santiago de Queretaro - we might see it as just another advantage of living in Queretaro. It is the perfect weekend escape to a more silent, charming, little town with enough exciting attractions and stops to keep you entertained for the whole weekend while it is relaxing enough to make you forget about the hectic day-to-day life.

You can start your day by visiting the church "La Parroquia de San Miguel"; it has a neo-gothic façade with two tall towers that can be seen from most parts of the town. Even though, it resembles a European church, it still owns a very Mexican architectural interpretation. Plaza Allende, or the Main Garden as locals call it, is a popular place to sit and relax right in front of the church, and of course, enjoy the indispensable kiosco. 

Next, you must visit the "Centro Cultural Ignacio Ramiez", also called the Escuela de Bellas Artes or El Nigromante, which is placed in the former Hermanas de la Concepcion Convent. It has a beautiful large courtyard with a large fountain in the middle and it houses art exhibitions, paintings, drawings, sculptures, textiles and other forms of art. From the building's top floor you can see the "Inmaculada Concepcion Church" (also called The Nuns). 

You should enjoy walking through the city center, because San Miguel de Allende is a walking city. The size allows you to take in all its colonial beauty and enjoy the architecture as you casually explore the vitality and flair of the place. Do not simply look into the shops, but go in and buy something, even if it is something small like a magnet, because the city is known for its skillful handcrafts. 

Have a nice meal as the town offers varied types of foods and price ranges from cheap over moderate to expensive. As a vegan, I did not have any problems finding a restaurant that served a number of possible and delicious dishes for me (Tip: Restaurant Cumpanio, moderate prices and variety with vegan and non-vegan dishes, it offers a bread, pastry and restaurant section). 

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